Attention Visitors in UAE: Working on Visit Visa Could Lead to Dh50,000 Fine


Planning to help a friend run a business in the UAE while you’re on a visit visa? Hold on! Recent regulations have made it clear that working without the proper work permit is a no-go. If you’re offered a job to manage your friend’s business, you’ll need to get the right paperwork in order before jumping in.

According to UAE law, it’s essential to have a valid work permit to be employed by any company. This rule comes from the Employment Law and the Immigration Law. Essentially, it means that without the right work permit, you can’t legally work for anyone in the UAE.

The consequences of breaking this rule can be hefty. If you’re caught working without the proper permit, both you and your employer could face fines. For employers, this could range from Dh50,000 to Dh200,000. And that’s not all – there’s also a possibility of deportation for both parties involved.

So, the bottom line is, if you’re planning to work in the UAE, make sure you have the correct work permit in place. It’s always a good idea to follow the rules and avoid unnecessary legal trouble. Remember, playing by the book is the best way to have a smooth and enjoyable experience while you’re in the UAE.