UAE Workplace Harassment Laws Protect Employees


UAE has introduced strict laws to combat workplace harassment, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees. Under the Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 and Cabinet Resolution No. 1 of 2022, all employers in Dubai and the UAE mainland are obligated to provide a safe and suitable working environment for their staff. This includes protection against various forms of harassment, both verbal and physical, as mandated by Article 13(13) of the Employment Law.

One key focus of these new laws is the prevention of sexual harassment, bullying, and any form of violence against employees by colleagues, managers, or employers. Article 413 of the UAE Penal Law states that those found guilty of sexual harassment may face severe penalties, including fines starting at Dh10,000 and jail sentences of no less than one year. This comprehensive legal framework empowers employees to address inappropriate behavior at work while also ensuring that workplaces remain respectful and secure environments for everyone.

For employees facing uncomfortable situations like unwarranted proximity from a colleague, it is essential to understand their rights and the legal protections in place. Employees are encouraged to inform the offender about their discomfort and seriousness, as such behavior may constitute a criminal offense under UAE law. If the issue persists, filing a formal complaint with the employer, which can lead to disciplinary actions or even termination of the offender’s employment, is an available recourse. Additionally, individuals can seek legal action by contacting Dubai Police to address workplace harassment and ensure a safe, respectful, and harassment-free working environment in Dubai and the wider UAE.