Delhi Jewellery Shop Robbed Through Wall Breach, Millions in Gems Stolen


Jewellery theft incident in India’s capital city, Delhi, thieves managed to steal precious jewellery valued at around Rs200 million after creating a hole in the wall of a jewelry shop’s strong room. The owner, Sanjeev Jain, revealed that they had closed the shop on Sunday, and when they reopened it on Tuesday, they were met with a dusty scene. The CCTV cameras had been damaged, leaving the owners shocked and dismayed. Delhi Police have termed it a “big incident of burglary” and are actively investigating the matter, which appears to involve sophisticated planning.

Authorities suspect that the burglars had prior knowledge about the shop’s layout, its valuable jewellery , and even the electronic security systems. The daring theft, which seemed well-planned, involved the thieves gaining access through the shop’s terrace and breaching the strong room’s wall. Delhi Police are diligently reviewing CCTV footage to identify the culprits behind this major heist. This incident underscores the need for heightened security measures to protect businesses from such audacious criminal activities.