Dubai and Sharjah Airports Extend Warm Welcome to Saudi Passengers on National Day


Dubai and Sharjah Airports celebrated Saudi Arabia’s 93rd National Day by warmly welcoming Saudi passengers with Arabic sweets and roses. This special reception underscores the strong bond between the UAE and Saudi Arabia, recognising the preference of many Saudi nationals who choose Dubai and Sharjah Airports as their primary travel hubs.*

As of August 2023, Saudi passengers comprised nearly 10% of the total passenger traffic at Sharjah Airport, reaching a remarkable one million and five thousand passengers. This impressive 57.3% growth compared to the previous year reflects the Sharjah Airport Authority’s dedication to providing exceptional services, utilizing cutting-edge technologies, and expanding the airport’s capacity. Passengers expressed their heartfelt appreciation for this genuine display of Emirati culture, marking the occasion with warm greetings and traditional treats.