UAE’s Innovative Digital Aid Platform to Assist Disaster-Hit Nations


The UAE has unveiled a groundbreaking digital response platform designed to expedite aid communication for countries struck by disasters. Announced during a UN Security Council debate, this platform will revolutionise disaster relief by leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and geospatial tools—all securely hosted on a dedicated database. Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s permanent representative to the UN, emphasised the urgency of modernising the humanitarian system to address the ever-evolving crises of today. She stated, “We are facing a humanitarian system in crisis, and the architecture of the past can no longer keep pace with the crises of the present.” The UAE is committed to collaborating with governments, the private sector, and humanitarian organizations to develop and implement this powerful tool.

UAE Extends Helping Hand Amidst Disaster in Libya

On the same day as this groundbreaking announcement, the UAE demonstrated its commitment to global humanitarian efforts by sending an aid plane carrying vital supplies to Libya. This timely response comes in the wake of deadly flooding caused by Storm Daniel in eastern Libya, a catastrophe that has claimed at least 11,300 lives and left over 10,000 individuals missing, as per a revised death toll from the Libyan Red Crescent. Storm Daniel wreaked havoc in numerous towns, with Derna witnessing some of the worst devastation as dams were destroyed and floodwaters engulfed entire neighborhoods. Over the past five years, the UAE’s private sector has contributed an impressive $250 million to humanitarian causes worldwide, underscoring the nation’s dedication to alleviating the suffering of disaster-affected communities globally.