Dubai Employee Steals Dh80,000 Gold: Swift Police Action Recovers Loot


A shocking incident has rocked Dubai as a worker from a local supermarket is accused of stealing a whopping Dh80,000 worth of gold jewellery and other valuables from his boss’s apartment.

During the boss’s vacation, the crafty employee allegedly copied the apartment key, allowing him access to the residence.

Reports suggest that the stolen haul, including the Dh80,000 gold jewellery and the manager’s passport, was stored at the thief’s friend’s place. The daring employee then fled the country, reportedly confiding in his friend about the misdeed.

The theft came to light when the manager’s son realized the unlawful act and lodged a complaint with law enforcement. Swift action led to the arrest of the thief’s accomplice, who was found in possession of the stolen items.

Legal consequences are now looming for both culprits, with the main thief facing sentencing in absentia and his partner facing a trial.

Security experts emphasise that this incident serves as a stark reminder of the necessity to maintain strong security measures and moral values, even within familiar and trusted work settings.