UAE Takes Tough Stance Against Counterfeit Goods with Strict Laws and Penalties


In the UAE, strict measures are in place to combat counterfeit goods, which are fake products pretending to be genuine. This is a big problem worldwide, and the UAE, being a major trading hub, is taking it seriously. The government has set up strong laws to prevent counterfeit goods from entering or leaving the country. If anyone finds fake products, they are encouraged to report it to the authorities. When large quantities of counterfeit goods are discovered, they are seized and stored in a secure place. The person responsible for these fake items has to cover the costs for storing, transporting, and disposing of them. Moreover, those affected by counterfeit goods can file lawsuits to claim compensation once the legal process is completed.

The penalties for selling or possessing counterfeit goods in the UAE are severe. People involved in counterfeiting trademarks can face fines ranging from Dh100,000 to Dh1 million or even imprisonment. This includes forging registered trademarks or using fake trademarks for commercial purposes. It’s essential for those accused of selling counterfeit goods to prove they didn’t know the items were fake or inform authorities about the situation. These measures are in place to protect consumers and legitimate businesses from the negative impact of counterfeit products.