Dubai Police launches Back to school Safety to Ensure Student’s Well-being


Dubai Police launched a proactive Back-to-School Safety Drive as students returned to classrooms after the summer break. Police patrols were strategically positioned at schools across Dubai on Monday morning, aiming to manage traffic flow and prevent accidents on one of the busiest days of the year.

With a comprehensive action plan in place, Dubai Police sought to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce potential accidents. Maj Gen Abdullah Al Ghaithi, director of the General Department of Protective Security and Emergency at Dubai Police, stressed the significance of collective efforts in ensuring children’s safety. He highlighted the growing positive response from drivers towards safety initiatives, demonstrating increased awareness and responsibility on the roads.

Furthermore, Dubai Police joined a nationwide campaign advocating for an accident-free day as students returned to school. As part of this initiative, motorists avoiding accidents or traffic offenses on Monday could have four black points removed from their driving licenses. Maj Gen Al Ghaithi emphasized the pivotal role of public engagement in ingraining responsible traffic behavior in the younger generation, transforming road safety into a daily practice. The active involvement of the public, demonstrated through signing online pledges, plays a vital role in fostering safer roads. Such initiatives are geared toward building a constructive traffic culture for the future, ensuring students’ confident and secure journeys to their educational institutions.