UAE Reminds Motorists of Traffic Laws and fines in School Zones


Attention drivers! As school buses and students return to the roads, it’s crucial to be aware of the traffic laws in UAE school zones. Speed limits in these areas range from 30 to 40kmph, and drivers must exercise caution due to the likelihood of children darting onto roads. Violations such as using a mobile phone while driving, distracted driving, improper parking, allowing children to sit in the front seat, seat belt violations, reversing dangerously, ignoring bus stop signs, not giving way to pedestrians, and dangerous driving can result in fines ranging from Dh300 to Dh3,000, along with black points. The top priority in school zones is always the safety of students, guardians, and school staff.

As schools across the UAE reopen after the summer break, motorists are being reminded to slow down and remain vigilant in designated school zones. Equally important is the prohibition of mobile phone use while driving, with a Dh800 fine and four black points for those caught. Remember, distracted driving, like eating or grooming, can also result in an Dh800 fine and four black points. Proper parking is a must, with haphazard parking attracting a Dh500 fine, and parking on pavements leading to a Dh400 penalty. Violations such as allowing children under 10 or shorter than 145cm to sit in the front seat come with a Dh400 fine. Seat belt violations, for both the driver and passengers, can lead to a Dh400 fine, while neglecting to secure children under 4 years old in car seats carries the same penalty. Reversing dangerously near school areas can result in a Dh500 fine and four black points. Ignoring school bus stop signs, a crucial safety measure, could lead to a Dh1,000 fine and 10 black points. Pedestrian priority at zebra crossings in school zones is vital, and failing to yield can incur a Dh500 fine and six black points. Lastly, dangerous driving that endangers lives can result in a Dh2,000 fine and a substantial 23 black points. Stay informed, stay safe!