Weather Update: UAE to Experience Gradual Temperature Drop


In a weather update for the UAE, the National Centre of Meteorology reports that the country is in for some relief from the scorching heat. While temperatures have recently soared to as high as 42ºC, there’s good news on the horizon. Over the next few days, temperatures are expected to gradually decrease, offering some respite to residents and visitors.

Abu Dhabi and Dubai can anticipate highs of 39ºC and 38ºC, respectively, before experiencing a welcome dip to 26ºC and 29ºC. The mountainous regions are set to enjoy even cooler weather, with temperatures as low as 21ºC. Additionally, the nights and Saturday mornings are expected to be humid, with a chance of mist formation along coastal areas. Sea conditions are predicted to be slight, providing ideal conditions for marine activities in both the Arabian Gulf and the Oman Sea. So, it’s time to prepare for a more comfortable climate in the UAE.