Indonesia Takes Aim at Social Media Shopping, Bans Direct Transactions


Indonesia has just introduced a new rule that stops people from buying things directly on social media platforms. The country’s Trade Minister, Zulkifli Hasan, made this announcement as part of a plan to help small businesses. Officials in Indonesia believe that big tech companies are doing harm to local shops, and they want to put a stop to it.

This means that social media sites like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram can’t sell things directly anymore. They can still show off products and advertise them, but you can’t buy them on the platform. This decision comes after worries about these big tech companies having too much control and hurting smaller local shops. It’s also a challenge for TikTok, which is super popular in Indonesia for shopping. The country is now the first in Southeast Asia to take action against TikTok’s growing e-commerce presence. This new rule doesn’t need approval from lawmakers; it’s already in effect.