Breakthrough in Light-Based Cancer Therapy by UAE University Researchers


Researchers at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) have achieved a groundbreaking development in light-based cancer treatment. Their innovative nanoplatform integrates tumour detection and monitoring, offering the potential to significantly improve the effectiveness of existing light-based therapies. These therapies, known as photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photothermal therapy (PTT), are non-invasive and have the promise of becoming safe and efficient alternatives to traditional cancer treatments.

While light-based approaches have shown promise, they faced challenges such as poor solubility, low stability, and a lack of tumor specificity. NYUAD’s work aims to overcome these hurdles by creating multifunctional nanospheres that enhance the delivery of PDT and PTT, offering a promising path forward in the realm of light-based cancer treatments. Associate Professor of Biology at NYUAD, Mazin Magzoub, emphasized the urgent need for new cancer treatment approaches and highlighted the potential of this tumour-targeting nanoplatform for improved diagnostic imaging and potent combinatorial cancer therapy. This breakthrough opens exciting possibilities for advancing light-based treatments in the fight against cancer.