UAE Doctors Successfully Remove 105g Tumor from Teenager’s Nasal Cavity


In a remarkable medical achievement, doctors in Sharjah, UAE, have successfully removed a tumour weighing 105 grams from the nasal cavity of Youssef Masbahi, a 14-year-old Moroccan teenager. Youssef had traveled to the UAE after unsuccessful attempts to address his condition in Morocco and Europe. He was suffering from Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma (JNA) Stage 5, an extremely rare tumour that occurs in only one out of every 150,000 individuals. When Youssef began experiencing blindness in his left eye, followed by severe eye bulging, his family sought medical help. Despite facing resistance from medical professionals in Morocco and Europe, they found hope and a solution at Medicare Hospital Sharjah.

A team of ENT doctors, neurosurgeons, anesthetists, and intensivists led by Prof. Dr. Janakiram T N and Dr. Saied Alhabash undertook a groundbreaking six-hour surgery to remove the tumor. Using a special technique, the doctors removed the tumor bit by bit, starting with the outer part and working their way inside the head. They also carefully drilled a specific area and removed a piece of bone to ensure precision and success in tackling this challenging case.

Dr. Janakiram T N, Specialist ENT at Medcare Hospital Sharjah, expressed their commitment to providing the best possible care to patients by continuously introducing innovative techniques. Dr. Saied Alhabash, Consultant Otolaryngology at the hospital, added that despite the unique and complex nature of the case, their dedication to medical excellence propelled them forward. The surgery was a success, with no complications encountered. A postoperative CT scan provided full assurance of Youssef’ s recovery.