Dubai’s Crackdown on Drug Influence: Heavy Fines and Jail Time for Pushing Substance Use


Dubai’s authorities are taking a tough stance against the influence of drug consumption, making it clear that persuading others to use drugs is a serious offense. The Public Prosecution of Dubai has underlined that those found guilty of this crime could face a combination of a substantial Dh50,000 fine and a minimum of five years in prison. This move aligns with the objective of curbing drug abuse and ensuring the well-being of the community, as it categorizes encouraging drug consumption as a felony.

The strict penalties are reinforced by Article 64/1 of Federal Decree-Law No. 30 of 2021, which addresses the issue of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in the UAE. This article emphasizes that not only direct actions, but also financial involvement in drug transactions, could lead to imprisonment or fines of no less than Dh50,000. With this robust approach, Dubai is sending a clear message that it will not tolerate attempts to induce drug use, focusing on safeguarding its residents and maintaining a drug-free environment.